Thursday, 23 February 2012

Patches is not Amused

While I was taking a short break from baking yesterday I looked at my kitchen window and noticed I had a visitor.

I give you Patches, greeter and watch-cat of our neighbourhood.

Patches actually used to live in our house so he strolls around like he still owns the place as only a cat can.  He is not, however, amused with the big hairy dog that now inhabits the backyard.

Sam (aka the big hairy dog) barely notices Patches' disdain if there is a game of fetch to be had. 

I believe this fact annoys Patches even more.

I picture Patches smoothing his Hitler-esque "do" and sharpening his claws in a darkened room saying, "one day they will all respect me".

But his little meows are really cute and he's so flooffy it's hard to take him seriously.

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